Artworks list of Cohen, Leonard

A Thousand Kisses Deep

Éric Pelletier, A Thousand Kisses Deep, 2010. © Marie-Claude LangevinÉric Pelletier, A Thousand Kisses Deep, 2010. © Marie-Claude LangevinÉric Pelletier, A Thousand Kisses Deep, 2010. © Marie-Claude Langevin
The installation consists of a gigantic glass prism with a rectangular base, which is split in the middle to disclose a silky texture that longs to be touched. The rectangle is covered with letters th [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
Pelletier, Éric
Installation year: 

Rêver le nouveau monde

Michel Goulet, Rêver le nouveau monde, 2008Michel Goulet, Rêver le nouveau monde, 2008Michel Goulet, Rêver le nouveau monde, 2008Michel Goulet, Rêver le nouveau monde, 2008
The artwork is formed by a total of forty-four stainless steel chairs. The House-Chair and the World-Chair are strategically placed at the front of the work, welcoming passersby. On th [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
Goulet, Michel
Installation year: