Artwork List

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Me voici terre magnifique

Normand Forget, Me voici terre magnifique, 2002. © Marie-Claude LangevinNormand Forget, Me voici terre magnifique, 2002. © Marie-Claude Langevin
Sculptural installation consisting of nine wall ornaments decorating the walls of a stairwell. A circular panel is placed on a wall pierced with nine small square windows. Above the first row of windo [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
Forget, Normand
Installation year: 

Lettres ès Sens

Normand Forget, Lettres ès Sens, 1993. © Centre d'Exposition Lanaudière
Hanging sculpture and four low reliefs. The hanging sculpture is an empty obelisk whose sides are pierced with an arcade. The low reliefs consist of four tilted panels featuring Braille letters, Morse [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
Forget, Normand
Installation year: 

Le chants des mots, l'image des sons

Normand Forget, Le chant des mots, l'image des sons, 1998. © Chantal LemieuxNormand Forget, Le chant des mots, l'image des sons, 1998. © Chantal Lemieux
Work consists of a hanging sculptural element and a series of low reliefs. Words are cut out in a steel sheet using a wet cutting technique. [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
Forget, Normand
Installation year: 

Des Codes-ages

Normand Forget, Des Codes-ages, 1993. © Centre d'Exposition Lanaudière
Low relief with an irregular contour. The artist attached a pink granite slab, a bronze plate and an aluminium structure shaped like an obelisk onto a slate slab. Three line segments are engraved into [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
Forget, Normand
Installation year: 

Le feu du dedans

Manon Fafard, Le feu du dedans, 1998. © Pascale Beaudet
The artwork consists of 24 mini houses attached to the walls of a room. They are all painted red and in different sizes. The houses are inspired from houses neighboring the school and offer a silhouet [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
Fafard, Manon
Installation year: 

L'Île au trésor

Manon Fafard, L'Île au trésor, 1996. © Pascale Beaudet
The pierced column in which the art work is installed represents a view of the Lavaltrie river bank with a view of the "treasure" island. Both receptacle and circumscribed sight, the island features c [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
Fafard, Manon
Installation year: 

Mots choisis

Lucie Duval, Mot choisies, 2002. © Yves LacombeLucie Duval, Mot choisies, 2002. © Yves LacombeLucie Duval, Mot choisies, 2002Lucie Duval, Mot choisies, 2002
The art work consists of an upward spiral made of cut out letters attached to a metallic strip. The work runs through the curtain wall next to the main entrance. Yellow and pink letters form words bot [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
Duval, Lucie
Installation year: 

Les mots croisés

Lucie Duval, Les mots croisés, 1990Lucie Duval, Les mots croisés, 1990
On a railway track, a pole features two pieces of wood in the shape of an "X" (such as the ones we often see near railway tracks). [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
Duval, Lucie
Installation year: 


Lucie Duval, Traversée, 1998Lucie Duval, Traversée, 1998Lucie Duval, Traversée, 1998
A "ribbon" of glass with embedded metal parts hangs in the lobby along the axis of the architectural structure connecting the second and third floors. The sentence "Tout à coup sur fond de ciel une br [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
Duval, Lucie
Installation year: 

Imperfection de la langue

Lucie Duval, Imperfection de la langue, 2004Lucie Duval, Imperfection de la langue, 2004Lucie Duval, Imperfection de la langue, 2004
The installation consists of three sentences hanging between trees. The letters are red. [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
Duval, Lucie
Installation year: 

Les oiseaux

Ceramics art work produced with the contribution of the public. Texts by Hélène Dorion appear with the art work. [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
Derouin, René
Installation year: 

La traversée du territoire

René Derouin, La traversé du territoire, 1999René Derouin, La traversé du territoire, 1999René Derouin, La traversé du territoire, 1999
The work consists of three rectangular bases and a square base laid out on the ground. The bases are aligned at the bottom of the staircase so that they can be seen as soon as one arrives at the site. [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
Derouin, René
Installation year: 

Hommage à Claude Jutra

Charles Daudelin, Hommage à Claude Jutra, 1997Charles Daudelin, Hommage à Claude Jutra, 1997
The upper part of the sculpture is occupied by a complex cylindrical composition with an orange sphere in the middle. A circular brass plate featuring a cut out inscription sits at the center of the s [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
Daudelin, Charles
Installation year: 

Pièces et accessoires pour alléger la route et Hommage à un nid-de-poule

Claudine Cotton, Pièces et accessoires pour alléger la route, 2005. © Ville de TClaudine Cotton, Pièces et accessoires pour alléger la route, 2005
At the height of the first steps of a staircase, a bronze sculpture representing a surfbird is installed. Its legs rest on two metallic strips attached to the ground. Short and slightly tilted, the fi [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
Cotton, Claudine
Installation year: 

Jeu d’ailes et d’échelles

Claudine Cotton, Jeu d'ailes et d'échelles, 1996. © Véronique Villeneuve
Inspired by the former function of the building, a fire station, the artist created a system of ladders that unfold into a spiral, evoking the fenestration. Wings are added to these, flight devices as [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
Cotton, Claudine