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Living Signs

Kate Wilson, Living Signs, 2007
Signs hung on trees [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
Wilson, Kate
Installation year: 

Livres à voir

Painting installation which consisted of six paintings representing a book cover. They were inserted among the books displayed in the bookstore's window. Size, style and colour varied from one paintin [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
Lamontagne, Éric
Installation year: 


Noel Best & Christos Dikeakos, Lookout, 1999. © Marc André BrouilletteNoel Best & Christos Dikeakos, Lookout, 1999. © Marc André BrouilletteNoel Best & Christos Dikeakos, Lookout, 1999. © Marc André BrouilletteNoel Best & Christos Dikeakos, Lookout, 1999. © Marc André Brouillette
A sculptural installation consisting of two glass-roofed pavilions separated by approximately 120 metres. The elliptical roof of each pavilion is supported by two walls made of stainless steel with cu [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
Best, Noel (architect by profession); Dikeakos, Christos (artist by profession)
Installation year: 

Loose Lips Series

Adrian Göllner, Loose Lips Series, 2000Adrian Göllner, Loose Lips Series, 2000Adrian Göllner, Loose Lips Series, 2000
Backlit posters with messages of warning and safety instructions. [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
Göllner, Adrian
Installation year: 

Lost Streams of Kitsilano

Marion Penner Bancroft,, Lost Streams of Kitsilano, 1994Marion Penner Bancroft,, Lost Streams of Kitsilano, 1994Marion Penner Bancroft,, Lost Streams of Kitsilano, 1994Marion Penner Bancroft,, Lost Streams of Kitsilano, 1994
Sixteen in-ground markers and four above-ground markers are installed along the paths of four historical streams that once existed in Kitsilano. Each of the in-ground markers has the words LOST STREAM [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
Penner Bancroft, Marion
Installation year: 

Love Stories

Henry Tsang, Love Stories, 1992Henry Tsang, Love Stories, 1992Henry Tsang, Love Stories, 1992
Billboard poster installed at the seabus terminal. [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
Tsang, Henry
Installation year: 

Lulu, A Memory Garden

Jacqueline Metz & Nancy Chew, Lulu, A Memory Garden, 2009.Jacqueline Metz & Nancy Chew, Lulu, A Memory Garden, 2009.Jacqueline Metz & Nancy Chew, Lulu, A Memory Garden, 2009.
The art project consists of two parts: large pavers cut from pillars featuring text and placed at various locations throughout the park; a centre piece of large etched black stone paver slabs placed i [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
Metz, Jacqueline; Chew, Nancy
Installation year: 

Lying on top of a building...nearer

Liam Gillick, Lying on top of a building...nearer, 2009Liam Gillick, Lying on top of a building...nearer, 2009
Text on the perimeter of the hotel windows. The phrase is repeated several times. [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
Gillick, Liam
Installation year: 

L’Île des Commencements

Rober Racine, L’Île des Commencements, 1995Rober Racine, L’Île des Commencements, 1995Rober Racine, L’Île des Commencements, 1995Rober Racine, L’Île des Commencements, 1995
The artwork consists of a granite bench, 26 slabs embedded in the ground and 4 small bronze pieces grafted to the Maison des Éclusiers. The bench reproduce the shape of Ilot Normandin, a small island [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
Racine, Rober
Installation year: 

L’Île perdue et retrouvée

Jean-Yves Vigneau, L’Île perdue et retrouvée, 2000
The word "Île" ("island") is laid out on the surface of the water. [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
Vigneau, Jean-Yves
Installation year: 

L’Inversion du monde

Richard Purdy, L’inversion du monde, 1989Richard Purdy, L’inversion du monde, 1989Richard Purdy, L’inversion du monde, 1989
Sculptural and environmental installation featuring a floor mosaic, a suspended sculpture and a high relief affixed to the ceiling of the rotunda. First, a polychromic mosaic on the ground represents [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
Purdy, Richard
Installation year: 

Make West

Bill Pechet & Stephanie Robb, Make West, 1997. © Marc André BrouilletteBill Pechet & Stephanie Robb, Make West, 1997. © Marc André BrouilletteBill Pechet & Stephanie Robb, Make West, 1997. © Marc André BrouilletteBill Pechet & Stephanie Robb, Make West, 1997. © Marc André Brouillette
The piece can be found along the foundation of the building, on the waterfront walkway between Nicola and Cardero Streets. It is made of stones, plaques and objects cast in bronze that refer to the hi [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
Pechet, Bill; Robb, Stephanie
Installation year: 

Mask of Culture

Dianne Cacchioni, Mask of Culture, 1992
Photographic image placed in a billboard [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
Cacchioni, Dianne
Installation year: 

Mémoire des lieux

Normand Forget, Mémoires des lieux, 1992Normand Forget, Mémoires des lieux, 1992. © Suzanne Joly
Two fake windows and moldings of architectural elements of the 1892 building are installed on the ceiling. Behind this construction, collages of architectural components are intertwined with fragments [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
Forget, Normand
Installation year: 

Mémoire X99-04.25

Raphaëlle de Groot, Mémoire X99-04.25, 1999Raphaëlle de Groot, Mémoire X99-04.25, 1999Raphaëlle de Groot, Mémoire X99-04.25, 1999
Markings on the ground to commemorate the forgotten history of the site of United Canada’s first parliament [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
Groot, Raphaëlle de
Installation year: