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Refers to decorations in any medium that dominate a wall (or ceiling) surface; most often refers to works executed on the wall, but may also refer to works done separately and affixed to the wall.

La culture est comme une rivière souterraine : elle ne paraît pas toujours, mais elle donne source à l’esprit

Daniel-Jean Primeau, La culture est comme une rivière souterraine.., 1998. Daniel-Jean Primeau, La culture est comme une rivière souterraine.., 1998.
The work is composed of rectangular red clay plates, which are arranged to form a wavy relief on a blue-painted wall. Seen from afar, the art work as a whole evokes a bird taking flight. [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
Primeau, Daniel-Jean
Installation year: 

Allô, les voyelles

Gilbert Poissant, Allô, les voyelles, 1998. © Gilbert Poissant
Six round murals in three different formats, all slightly textured and in bright colours (blue, red, yellow). The mural displaying the letters "e", "a" and "u" are located at two intersecting walls. O [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
Poissant, Gilbert
Installation year: 

Vox non echo

Gilbert Poissant, Vox non echo, 1999
The round mural consists of three earthenware pieces painted with aluminum strips. It features two steel blue half-moons and a white square in the middle, along with a few touches of red and yellow. T [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
Poissant, Gilbert
Installation year: 


Annie Pelletier, Murmots, 2005Annie Pelletier, Murmots, 2005Annie Pelletier, Murmots, 2005Annie Pelletier, Murmots, 2005
Installation consisting of two rectangular frames featuring words cut out in a metal sheet and six square-framed colour photographs. Different in size and font, the words appear either alone or interc [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
Pelletier, Annie
Installation year: 

Transcription 92

Lisette Lemieux, Transcription 92, 1992Lisette Lemieux, Transcription 92, 1992Lisette Lemieux, Transcription 92, 1992
The mural unfolds on the 18 glass panels of a curtain wall and on a painted drywall surface mounted on the adjacent wall. Evoking a musical staff, each glass panel features 5 superimposed words. They [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
Lemieux, Lisette
Installation year: 


Dominique Laquerre, Déplacements, 2002
Strip featuring five metallic discs with photographic details (reflection of trees in water, the sky), words borrowed from geographical maps and relief (compass dial). [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
Laquerre, Dominique
Installation year: 

Me voici terre magnifique

Normand Forget, Me voici terre magnifique, 2002. © Marie-Claude LangevinNormand Forget, Me voici terre magnifique, 2002. © Marie-Claude Langevin
Sculptural installation consisting of nine wall ornaments decorating the walls of a stairwell. A circular panel is placed on a wall pierced with nine small square windows. Above the first row of windo [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
Forget, Normand
Installation year: 

Mille visages

Painted mural on a concrete wall featuring two birds on each side of a central text. The writing varies in size. The sentence "CE SONT CES MARIAGES" is written in bigger letters than the rest. [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
Cornellier, Marie
Installation year: 

Géographies à fleur de peau

Magali Chouinard, Géographies à fleur de peau, 1998 © Laurette ThompsonMagali Chouinard, Géographies à fleur de peau, 1998 © Laurette ThompsonMagali Chouinard, Géographies à fleur de peau, 1998 © Laurette Thompson
Five circular images consisting of a montage of various mediums represent female characters that have been superimposed onto a map. Stanzas are written on 19 acetate discs revolving around the 5 image [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
Chouinard, Magali
Installation year: 

Le bruit du monde

Gilbert Boyer, Le bruit du monde, 2002
The artwork consists of a long glass wall installed under a light shaft. Messages, sentences, words, handwritten or typographical signs as well as declarations collected from the institution's student [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
Boyer, Gilbert
Installation year: 
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