Park, square and garden

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Park: Permanently dedicated, public recreation areas generally characterized by their natural, historic, or landscape features; often administered by governmental agencies. Square: Open public space in cities or towns, usually rectilinear, surrounded by buildings, and located at the junction of two or more thoroughfares. Garden: An enclosed piece of ground devoted to the cultivation of flowers, fruit, or vegetables.

Déplacements et autres mouvances

Rose-Marie E. Goulet, Déplacements et autres mouvances, 2000
Arrows painted on a rocky outcrop in the centre of town point us toward the top of the cape, from where we discover a cityscape dominated by mining facilities. Made up of foreign-sounding names, these [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
Goulet, Rose-Marie E.
Installation year: 

Passe-moi un sapin Rita

Rita , Passe-moi un sapin Rita, 2008Rita , Passe-moi un sapin Rita, 2008Rita , Passe-moi un sapin Rita, 2008
Rita’s contribution to the Reford Gardens' International Garden Festival is their zany take on reforestation, with the installation of a large scale ‘pine tree air freshener’ in a natural setting. Thi [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
Rita (Halmaï-Voisard, Stéphane; Rollin, Francis; Corbeil, Karine)
Installation year: 

In extremis

Derek Besant, In extremis, 2005Derek Besant, In extremis, 2005Derek Besant, In extremis, 2005
Installation of words in the forest. [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
Besant, Derek
Installation year: 

Visite du Pape Jean-Paul II à Hull

Marc St-Martin, Visite du Pape Jean-Paul II à Hull, 1991
Sculpture in the shape of a cylinder, resting on a cylindrical base and featuring an engraving of Pope John Paul II. [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
St-Martin, Marc
Installation year: 

Tree Bands

Holly Newman, Tree Bands, 2008Holly Newman, Tree Bands, 2008Holly Newman, Tree Bands, 2008Holly Newman, Tree Bands, 2008
Text wrapped around trees with ribbons, textiles and common art crafts elements [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
Newman, Holly
Installation year: 

Poems for a Small Park

E.D. Blodgett, Poems for a Small Park, 2008E.D. Blodgett, Poems for a Small Park, 2008E.D. Blodgett, Poems for a Small Park, 2008E.D. Blodgett, Poems for a Small Park, 2008
The poems are engraved in the languages spoken during Edmonton's early days - English, French, Cree, Chinese, Ukrainian and a Métis dialect. [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
Blodgett, E.D.
Installation year: 

Garden Grow

Holly Newman, Garden Grow, 2001Holly Newman, Garden Grow, 2001
Veil with embroidery representing plants. The text is embroidered. [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
Newman, Holly
Installation year: 


Dan S Hanganu, Anniversaire, 1992Dan S Hanganu, Anniversaire, 1992Dan S Hanganu, Anniversaire, 1992Dan S Hanganu, Anniversaire, 1992
Behind the old Customs House, a bouquet of 35 copper pipes of various sizes is planted in the ground, looking like birthday candles. Each represents one decade. In front of this bouquet, three large r [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
Hanganu, Dan S.
Installation year: 

Le débarquement de Noé

Jean-Yves Vigneau, Le débarquement de Noé, 2007Jean-Yves Vigneau, Le débarquement de Noé, 2007Jean-Yves Vigneau, Le débarquement de Noé, 2007Jean-Yves Vigneau, Le débarquement de Noé, 2007
The work is divided into two parts:This poetic fable is inspired by one of the greatest myths in the history of the world. The installation was set in a small green square with a tall tree, downtown G [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
Vigneau, Jean-Yves
Installation year: 

Champ de lumière en mémoire de Gaston Miron et Pablo Neruda

Daniel Hogue, Champ de lumière en mémoire de Gaston Miron et Pablo Neruda, 2005
Mirrors that have been placed on the ground, trace poems by Gaston Mirron and Pablo Neruda in braille. [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
Hogue, Daniel
Installation year: 
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