Fable VII consists of three parts: the indoor writing, a bronze component in the outdoor pool and the lion in its frame.The work establishes a reciprocal action between interior and exterior spac
True Advertising was an exhibition of three billboard images in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada in the summer and fall of 2000. The billboards promoted three new products, all of which were a little too go
Area residents were invited by the artists to submit phrases which were then inscribed into the sculpture. Each household was asked to provide 5-word phrases that represented a sentiment about th
The sculpture shows five key women in Canadian history, celebrating an important legal victory in characteristic poses. An empty chair adds an interactive feature to the monument, inviting passers-b
The project was produced with the help of 6,500 students from Red Deer. Each student engraved his or her idea of the word Leisure. The final product resulted into 5 mosaic panels.
Artwork creator(s):
McArthur, Brian ; Detarando, Dawn (Voyager art & tile)
The artist wanted to transform a dark corner with light and a story. The text portion of her installation invites the viewer into a conversation between the artist and the maker of the lettering. In