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Studios Hooper &  Darren Byers, CREDO, 2008
In the sculpture, an older man contemplates the draught of a document quietly; beside him kneels the small figure of himself at the age of seven. At that time, he lived in Hampton and, all through his [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
Hooper Studios; Byers, Darren

Courage & Hope

Valérie LeBlanc, Courage & Hope, 1998. © Valérie LeblancValérie LeBlanc, Courage & Hope, 1998Valérie LeBlanc, Courage & Hope, 1998
The sculpture consists of a golden ladder set against a glass wall. At the base of the ladder are the names of the fourteen women who died in the École Polytechnique tragedy. Carved on the glass are d [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
LeBlanc, Valérie
Installation year: 

Presence and Resistance, 2006

Edgar Heap of Birds, Presence and Resistance, 2006Edgar Heap of Birds, Presence and Resistance, 2006
Public art installation/billboards and public signage texts [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
Heap of Birds, Edgar
Installation year: 

One Garden One Night One Wish

Andrew Zealley & Chrysanne Stathacos, One Garden One Night One Wish, 2006
Sound installation with printed paper elements attached to a tree. [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
Zealley Andrew; Stathacos, Chrysanne
Installation year: 

(Let Me Be Your) Teddy Bear

Chris Curreri, (Let Me Be Your) Teddy Bear, 2006
Neon writing placed in windows of houses or shops. [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
Curreri, Chris
Installation year: 

Kiosk, 2004-2005

Derek Sullivan, Kiosk, 2005Derek Sullivan, Kiosk, 2005
Artwork creator(s): 
Sullivan, Derek
Installation year: 


Rebecca Belmore & Osvaldo Yero, Freeze, 2006Rebecca Belmore & Osvaldo Yero, Freeze, 2006
Rebecca Belmore and Osvaldo Yero used ice to make a new artwork melt during the long sleepless night of the Nuit Blanche festival. A large block of ice signified a life-size form, the absent [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
Belmore, Rebecca; Yero, Osvaldo
Installation year: 

Will Is Was

Carl Skelton, Will Is Was, 2002
Will Is Was was an outdoor projection/installation at the Art Gallery of Hamilton. The spherical object in the foreground was a modified lamppost containing a still image projector, which used th [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
Skelton, Carl
Installation year: 


Carl Cesta, Vacancy, 2007
Artwork creator(s): 
Cesta, Carl (Persona Volare Collective)
Installation year: 

The Commodification of Life

Ron Benner,The Commodification of Life, 1996Ron Benner,The Commodification of Life, 1996
Photographic posters installed in a mall. [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
Benner, Ron
Installation year: 

The Book

Ilan Sandler,The Book, 2006Ilan Sandler,The Book, 2006Ilan Sandler,The Book, 2006
The Book is a steel sculpture representing a book with two pages torn away from its spine. The spine is perpendicular to the ground, the covers are open, and the pages appear to blow in the wind. Fr [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
Sandler, Ilan
Installation year: 

Still Life

Carl Skelton, Still Life, 2006Carl Skelton, Still Life, 2006
Artwork creator(s): 
Skelton, Carl
Installation year: 

Pine Cones

Sarah Nind, Pine Cones, 1997. © Sarah NindSarah Nind, Pine Cones, 1997Sarah Nind, Pine Cones, 1997. © Sarah NindSarah Nind, Pine Cones, 1997. © Sarah Nind
Text embedded in a sidewalk [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
Nind, Sarah
Installation year: 

Hold That Thought

Kelly Mark, Hold That Thought, 2006Kelly Mark, Hold That Thought, 2006
Site specific installation. Several of the letters were programmed to fail or sputter (flicker on and off) at random intervals [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
Mark, Kelly
Installation year: