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Mémoire ardente

Gilbert Boyer, Mémoire Ardente, 1994Gilbert Boyer, Mémoire Ardente, 1994. © Gilbert BoyerGilbert Boyer, Mémoire Ardente, 2012. © Gilbert BoyerGilbert Boyer, Mémoire Ardente, 2012. © Gilbert Boyer
A granite cube dotted with holes. When viewers approach and look inside the holes, they can read names and sentences. The artwork was developed around the idea of opposites: visibility/invisibility, i [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
Boyer, Gilbert
Installation year: 

Mémoire X99-04.25

Raphaëlle de Groot, Mémoire X99-04.25, 1999Raphaëlle de Groot, Mémoire X99-04.25, 1999Raphaëlle de Groot, Mémoire X99-04.25, 1999
Markings on the ground to commemorate the forgotten history of the site of United Canada’s first parliament [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
Groot, Raphaëlle de
Installation year: 

Memory Tables

Gil McElroy, Memory Tables, 1996Gil McElroy, Memory Tables, 1996
Three picnic tables have been modified to be slanted. The text is written on top. [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
McElroy, Gil
Installation year: 

Mille visages

Painted mural on a concrete wall featuring two birds on each side of a central text. The writing varies in size. The sentence "CE SONT CES MARIAGES" is written in bigger letters than the rest. [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
Cornellier, Marie
Installation year: 


Françoise Sullivan, Montagnes,1997Françoise Sullivan, Montagnes,1997Françoise Sullivan, Montagnes,1997Françoise Sullivan, Montagnes,1997
The work consists of murals and objects placed on the ground. A mural on the upper wall of the hall features a vast mountainous landscape. Another mural is located at the mezzanine level and also feat [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
Sullivan, Françoise
Installation year: 


The work consists of three murals that have been engraved onto zinc panels and installed in different locations. The first mural is in the Event Room and features geometric motifs as well as writings. [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
Théberge, Claude
Installation year: 


Shirley Yanover, Normal, 2003Shirley Yanover, Normal, 2003Shirley Yanover, Normal, 2003Shirley Yanover, Normal, 2003
This exhibition also featured two other parts. New Normal, an acrylic painting,  was hung in the cafeteria. Normal Graduation 23 consisted of twelve oval plastic clocks that were suspended [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
Yanover, Shirley

Number Painting

Garry Neill Kennedy, Number Painting, 2005
The installation consists of a number and text painted on the doors to the dock #22 warehouse. [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
Kennedy, Garry Neill
Installation year: 


Lisette Lemieux, Le mur archive, 1992Lisette Lemieux, Le mur archive, 1992Lisette Lemieux, Le mur archive, 1992
The artwork is embedded into the window of an ancient wall. The work is a transcription of the founding text of the Grey Nuns religious order. The text is written on engraved brass sheets and inserted [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
Lemieux, Lisette
Installation year: 

Poète en bâtiment

Michel Bujol, Poète en bâtiment, 1975. © Marie-Claude LangevinMichel Bujol, Poète en bâtiment, 1975. © Marie-Claude LangevinMichel Bujol, Poète en bâtiment, 1975. © Marie-Claude Langevin
A letter addressed to Jean Drapeau is painted on a brick wall. [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
Bujold, Michel
Installation year: 

Points de suspension

Murielle Larose, Points de suspension, 2005. © Cloé Alain-Gendreau; Martin PoitrMurielle Larose, Points de suspension, 2005. © Cloé Alain-Gendreau; Martin PoitrMurielle Larose, Points de suspension, 2005Murielle Larose, Points de suspension, 2005
The artist installed 11 swings for two people. Sentences were written on the swing seats. [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
Dupuis Larose, Murielle
Installation year: 


André Fournelle, Propagande, 1998
The artwork was a sound installation consisting of a red cross marking a sewer grate. From this grid, loudspeakers broadcast a text by Joseph Beuys in a loop. [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
Fournelle, André
Installation year: 


Claire Sarrasin, Pyramide,1998Claire Sarrasin, Pyramide,1998
This pyramid-shaped sculpture is a testimony to creativity. Acting like a signal, the chosen colour, red, and the luminous area, in the center, attracts attention. Stable and solid, the square-shaped [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
Sarrasin, Claire
Installation year: 

Qui fait l'ange fait la bête

Lise Labrie, Qui fait l’ange fait la bête, 1993. © Musée régional de RimouskiLise Labrie, Qui fait l’ange fait la bête, 1993. © Musée régional de Rimouski
Finger-painted text in a stairwell. On the public side of the stairwell, there is a finger-painted text used in exorcisms and three periscopes placed in the toilets contain a censored religious image. [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
Labrie, Lise
Installation year: 

Rick Hansen

Blake Williams, Rick Hansen Mural, 1997Blake Williams, Rick Hansen Mural, 1997Blake Williams, Rick Hansen Mural, 1997
Artwork creator(s): 
Williams, Blake; Koochin, Bill
Installation year: