Research in artworks: Installation and intervention

Poème illustré en boîte

Pierre Leblanc, Poème illustre en boîte, 1986
The installation consists of two gates that separate the main corridor from the one leading to the school yard. The gates are mounted on casters to allow them to close. [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
Leblanc, Pierre
Installation year: 

Poems for a Small Park

E.D. Blodgett, Poems for a Small Park, 2008E.D. Blodgett, Poems for a Small Park, 2008E.D. Blodgett, Poems for a Small Park, 2008E.D. Blodgett, Poems for a Small Park, 2008
The poems are engraved in the languages spoken during Edmonton's early days - English, French, Cree, Chinese, Ukrainian and a Métis dialect. [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
Blodgett, E.D.
Installation year: 

Poetry in Motion

Poetry in Motion, 1999-Poetry in Motion, 1999-
Poems inside city buses, in the advertising spaces. [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
Installation year: 

Poetry in Motion

Poetry in Motion
Poems placed in city buses [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
Installation year: 

Points de suspension

Murielle Larose, Points de suspension, 2005. © Cloé Alain-Gendreau; Martin PoitrMurielle Larose, Points de suspension, 2005. © Cloé Alain-Gendreau; Martin PoitrMurielle Larose, Points de suspension, 2005Murielle Larose, Points de suspension, 2005
The artist installed 11 swings for two people. Sentences were written on the swing seats. [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
Dupuis Larose, Murielle
Installation year: 


Michael de Courcey, Poster!, 1988
Posters installed in illuminated signs. [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
Courcey, Michael de
Installation year: 

Poubelles du Quartier Latin et du Village

Maryo Thomas,  PoubellesMaryo Thomas,  Poubelles
Green and orange posters (in the Quartier Latin et the Village, respectively) were installed on both sides of public garbage bins. The posters were installed at random. [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
Thomas, Maryo
Installation year: 

Presence and Resistance, 2006

Edgar Heap of Birds, Presence and Resistance, 2006Edgar Heap of Birds, Presence and Resistance, 2006
Public art installation/billboards and public signage texts [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
Heap of Birds, Edgar
Installation year: 


André Fournelle, Propagande, 1998
The artwork was a sound installation consisting of a red cross marking a sewer grate. From this grid, loudspeakers broadcast a text by Joseph Beuys in a loop. [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
Fournelle, André
Installation year: 

Quai des départs

Magali Chouinard, Quai des départs, 1993. © Daniel RousselMagali Chouinard, Quai des départs, 1993. © Daniel RousselMagali Chouinard, Quai des départs, 1993. © Daniel RousselMagali Chouinard, Quai des départs, 1993
Work consisting of a statue, six low reliefs, two vertical structures and one chair, along with an installation in the floor surface. The artwork is set on a dais linking two of the library's reading [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
Chouinard, Magali
Installation year: 


Rose-Marie E. Goulet, Recherche, 1993. © Rose-Marie E. GouletRose-Marie E. Goulet, Recherche, 1993. © Rose-Marie E. GouletRose-Marie E. Goulet, Recherche, 1993. © Rose-Marie E. GouletRose-Marie E. Goulet, Recherche, 1993. © Rose-Marie E. Goulet
The artwork consists of three parts: a stained-glass window, a sculptural element and projectors. Natural light is filtered through three spaced-out blocks of primary colours (cyan, magenta and yellow [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
Goulet, Rose-Marie E.
Installation year: 

Relic of Memory I and II

Anne O’Callaghan, Relic of Memory,1998Anne O’Callaghan, Relic of Memory,1998
In Relic of Memory, domestic and architectural structures fabricated from contemporary industrial materials are introduced into the environment. An eight-foot long steel table squarely placed in a mos [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
O’Callaghan, Anne
Installation year: 

Remembering in America

Edgar Heap of Birds, Remembering in America, 2006
Image in a billboard [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
Heap of Birds, Edgar
Installation year: 

Rencontre au confluent

Suzanne Bergeron, Rencontre au confluent, 2010. © Marie-Claude LangevinSuzanne Bergeron, Rencontre au confluent, 2010. © Marie-Claude LangevinSuzanne Bergeron, Rencontre au confluent, 2010. © Marie-Claude Langevin
Group of glass panels with a concrete block. On the vertical panel, we can see the text and a path created with 1 ¢ coins. On the horizontal panel, the artist has inlaid wooden wafers and a recycled c [...]
Artwork creator(s): 
Bergeron, Suzanne
Installation year: